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Paper Weed Barrier [Organic]

Paper Weed Barrier [Organic]

Weed Barrier Paper Roll - 4 ft x 600 ft

Regular price $199.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $199.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Bulk Shipping calculated at checkout. If delivery fee doesn't appear, please contact us to get a quote.

Our garden paper weed barrier is the better option compared to cloth or plastic weed barrier. Heavy duty 60 lb basis weight paper can be wheeled and walked on when dry. Easily roll out the paper and spread your soil on top to knock back weeds and grass. It takes the place of collecting and cleaning cardboard for no till gardening methods. Each roll of paper mulch is 4 ft wide x 600 ft long, it replaces a lot of cardboard for gardening.

Add paper on top of landscape beds, around trees and over gardens every year before adding soil or mulch, substantially mitigate weeds organically. Unlike cloth or plastic weed barrier it decomposes becoming part of the soil, it does not have to be picked up. When you use plastic or cloth weed barrier the weeds still begin to grow on top the next season because weed seeds spread by air, animal, lawn mower, weed whacker and your feet.

Why make applying paper for gardens and landscaping part of your routine?

  1. biodegradable alternative to fabric or plastic weed barrier
  2. time saving compared to collecting cardboard
  3. use less mulch over weedy areas or around trees
  4. start a garden anywhere in your yard
  5. easy to transport compared to a hundred cardboard boxes

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Shipping & Returns

Products marked with free shipping will be free shipping at checkout. Otherwise, bulk per cubic yard delivery fee per truck is the same amount whether the truck is at minimum or maximum capacity. You may want to know the following guidelines:

  • One small truckload full capacity: 9yd soil, 9yd compost, 10yd mulch, 5yd fill, 7yd contractor mix.
  • One large truckload maximum capacity: 20yd soil, 20yd compost, 20yd mulch, 18yd fill, 20yd contractor mix.

The best value is always a maximum truckload for your particular product.

We can mix loads in the small truck to bring two products at once with 8 to 9 cu yd maximum, depending on the products needed. You must contact us to request a quote in this circumstance.

If you order online we will contact you shortly after purchase to schedule your delivery day and time frame. We often can do same day deliveries with a small truck quantities, call 727-645-5289 or message us here to find out.

The small truck delivery is generally 1 to 3 work days notice M-S and the big truck delivery is generally 2 to 6 work days notice M-F. If you have a specific day and time in mind then it's best to make your purchase A.S.A.P in order
to help ensure the day and time you need is available.

The delivery fee is calculated during checkout based on product type (weight),
product quantity, size of truck(s) and number of truckloads needed.

If you prefer to communicate directly to a representative to get a quote, click here.

There are no returns once the product is delivered. Most of our bulk garden supplies weigh 800 to 1600 lbs per cubic yard and require heavy trucks and equipment to move in bulk.

A refund can be processed if you cancel an order at least 2 hours before the start of your scheduled delivery day and time frame. There's no refund within 2 hours of your scheduled delivery day and time frame.


3'x3'x3' per cubic yard

27 cubic feet per cubic yard

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