Why should I use organic soil?

Why should I use organic soil?

Organic soil is a type of soil that is made up of natural materials, such as decomposed plant matter, decomposed horse manure, and minerals. Here are some reasons why you might want to use organic soil:

  1. Better for the environment: Organic soil is made from renewable plant and manure resources that are reused for composting. It adds organic matter which can help to renew the soil environment.

  2. Healthier plants: Organic soil contains a variety beneficial microorganisms that slowly release nutrients over time, providing a steady source of nutrition for plants. Beneficial bacteria and fungi help fight off diseases and pests.

  3. Improved soil structure: Organic soil has a better structure than synthetic soil, which can improve water retention and drainage. This can help to prevent erosion and improve the overall health of the soil.

  4. Chemical-free: Organic soil is new soil derived by composting trees, brush, chips, leaves, plants, stumps and manure. It has no excess synthetic fertilizers or farm pesticides and is tested for pathogens.

  5. Tastier fruits and vegetables: All the benefits of organic soil can help to produce healthier and tastier fruits and vegetables, which can be higher in nutrients.

Overall, adding organic soil regularly can be a great way to improve the health of your plants and the environment while renewing nutrients naturally. It is recommended that you add organic soil one or two times a year to maintain the best most resilient soil.

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